See You on the Other Side

I have been putting this off for quite some time. My humble PC is in dire need of a rebuild. I have put it off and put it off until I can no longer ignore it. The frequent error messages and faults and bugs have risen to the point where I can no longer truly trust it.

The latest and greatest problem is that the damn thing will not shut down on the first request. All it does is shut down the running applications but it remains on at the desktop. Other than that I am getting exception errors and program faults, especially when they are shut down. Not sure why that is but then it is Windows and I don’t think that we are supposed to understand it.

This week is the perfect opportunity due tot he fact that we have not got a show this week. We also thought that with Easter, we deserved a week off and time to catch up with our families and friends… me, I’ll be working! But once the show returns the week after this one, we have a couple of exciting developments to tell everyone about as 2007 rolls on by.

Tonight I am on the prowl for those elusive files that you seem to always miss or forget that you needed and loose in the format… I hate that. But I have had some great tips and applications that are going to help me out. Such as MozBackup. This little utility will back up your profile in both Firefox and Thunderbird (plus the many other suites that are available). Plus everything with it including bookmarks, mail, contacts, history, extensions, cache and so on.

To tell the truth I am dreading it. Wish me luck and I will see you on the other side!

Oh… and if I am “missing” you will know why!

One Response to “See You on the Other Side”

  1. johnnystarr Says:

    I know the feeling. My PC went to the great ‘PC World in the sky’ early this year and I was getting a lot of the issues you mentioned above. It was taking ages to shut down things and even though my pc was virus/spyware free, it seemed very resource heavy and I finally had enough so…I bought an iMac. Believe me it has changed everything for me. It’s very easy to switch from PC to Mac and fortunately most of my apps are mac friendly except for photoshop which I have to run using parallels.
    Good luck and i hope you find all that you are looking for.
    PS I’m working over easter too….bummer 😦

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